
Strengthening Governance and Security in Financial Institutions with Policy-as-Code and Kyverno

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, large institutions face the challenge of maintaining robust governance and compliance processes while fostering developer productivity and agility. The implementation of policy-as-code provides an effective solution to streamline these processes, enhance security posture, and ensure compliance standards. In this…


Policy-Based Cost Management in Kubernetes: Leveraging OpenCost and Kyverno for Maximum Efficiency

Introduction In the world of cloud computing, Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration. However, as organizations scale their Kubernetes deployments, they often face challenges in managing and optimizing costs. Cost allocation, the process of attributing costs to specific resources or users,…


Nirmata at KubeCon Europe 2023: Driving Innovation via Policy-Based Security and Automation of Cloud Native Technologies

KubeCon Europe 2023 was one of the largest and most influential conferences for cloud native technologies, providing a platform for industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to share insights and ideas on the latest advancements in this rapidly evolving field. As the leading provider of comprehensive…