Kubernetes Tag

What Is Policy-As-Code? Top 10 Reasons Why Policy-As-Code Is Essential for Cloud-Native Success

What is Policy-as-Code? Policy-as-Code is the practice of defining and managing policies through code rather than through traditional manual processes. These policies can cover a wide range of areas, including security, compliance, and operational best practices. Policy-as-code enables automated policy enforcement, integration with CI/CD pipelines,…


Generating Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies from Kyverno Policies

In the previous blog post, we discussed writing Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions in Kyverno policies for resource validation. CEL was first introduced to Kubernetes for the Validation rules for CustomResourceDefinitions, and then it was used by Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies in 1.26. ValidatingAdmissionPolicies offer a declarative,…


Cloud Native Policy Management with Nirmata: A Reflection of KubeCon NA 2023

KubeCon NA 2023: A Brief Overview The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference KubeCon, known for its extensive schedule of talks, workshops, and networking opportunities, brought together thousands of developers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to discuss the latest trends, share insights, and foster collaboration within the…