What’s new in Kyverno 1.3.6!

What’s new in Kyverno 1.3.6!

We are super excited to announce the 1.3.6 release of Kyverno. Features in this release focussed on supporting advanced capabilities when writing or testing Kyverno policies. 

Here is what’s included in this release:

Operator support for lists

Previously, Kyverno supported operators on scalar values. This feature extends operator support for list / array values.

Example policy: Check if the command for any container in a pod contains ‘-c’ option

Here is the sample YAML that can be used to test this policy

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello
      - name: hello
        image: busybox
        command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: check-resource-command
  validationFailureAction: enforce
  background: false
  - name: check-resource-command
        - kube-system
        - Pod
      message: "The command should not contain '-c'"
      - spec:
            - =(command): ["!-c"]

Applying this YAML to the cluster will return an error since the ‘command’ contains ‘-c’

JMESPath enhancements

You can now include JMESPath in patchesJson6902 for resource mutation.

Example policy: Modify host name to include domain suffix

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: mutate-ingress-host
  - name: mutate-rules-host
        - Ingress
      patchesJson6902: |-
        - op: replace
          path: /spec/rules/0/host
          value: {{request.object.spec.rules[0].host}}.mycompany.com

Sample YAML: The host will be modified when the policy is applied.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: kuard
  namespace: ingress
    app: kuard
  - host: kuard
      - backend:
            name: kuard
              number: 8080
        path: /
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  - hosts:
    - kuard

Support for string manipulation functions

Additional support has been added for advanced string manipulation functions in JMESPath expressions. The following functions are now supported:
– compare
– contains
– equal_fold
– replace_all
– replace
– to_upper
– to_lower
– trim, split
– regex_replace_all
– regex_replace_all_literal
– regex_match
– labels_match

Detailed description of these functions is available in the documentation.

Example policy: Replace all matching hosts to the new one.

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: replace-host
  background: false
    - name: replace-host
          - Ingress
        patchesJson6902: |-
          - op: replace
            path: /spec/rules/0/host
            value: {{ replace_all(request.object.spec.rules[0].host, 'staging.mycompany.com', 'mirror.mycompany.com') }}

Example policy: Using label matching, to check if NetworkPolicy exists for every pod

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: require-network-policy
  validationFailureAction: audit
  - name: require-network-policy
        - Pod
    - name: policies_count
        urlPath: "/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{{request.namespace}}/networkpolicies"
        jmesPath: "items[?label_match(spec.podSelector.matchLabels, `{{request.object.metadata.labels}}`)] | length(@)"
      message: "Every pod requires a matching network policy"
        - key: "{{policies_count}}"
          operator: LessThan
          value: 1

CLI support for external data lookup

This improvement allows passing data into the CLI using ConfigMap or API call. The data can be passed to the CLI in the following format:

  - name: <policy name>
      - name: <rule name>
          <variable>: <value>

Example policy: This policy gets the environment name from a configmap and can be tested using the CLI and passing in the data.

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: cm-variable-example
    pod-policies.kyverno.io/autogen-controllers: DaemonSet,Deployment,StatefulSet
  validationFailureAction: enforce
  background: false
    - name: example-configmap-lookup
      - name: dictionary
          name: mycmap
          namespace: default
          - Pod
              my-environment-name: "{{dictionary.data.env}}"

Sample YAML:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-config-test
  - image: nginx:latest
    name: test-nginx

Sample values.yaml:

  - name: cm-variable-example
      - name: example-configmap-lookup
          dictionary.data.env: dev1

Now you can use the CLI to test this policy as follows:

kyverno apply cm_variable_example.yaml -r nginx.yaml -f value.yaml


applying 1 policy to 1 resource... 

mutate policy cm-variable-example applied to default/Pod/nginx-config-test:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    my-environment-name: dev1
  name: nginx-config-test
  namespace: default
  - image: nginx:latest
    name: test-nginx


pass: 1, fail: 0, warn: 0, error: 0, skip: 0

The enhancements in this release enable more flexibility when writing Kyverno policies while allowing you to address more complex use cases without increasing your learning curve. Test drive this new release and please share your feedback with the team. You can reach out to the Kyverno team on the #kyverno Slack channel or mailing list.

Also, if you are already using Kyverno and looking to simplify policy management across your clusters, please checkout the Nirmata Policy Manager for Kyverno. You can register for early access here: https://nirmata.com/nirmata-policy-manager/.

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