We are excited to announce that Nirmata has joined the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) as a silver member!
The technology space moves fast! We started Nirmata in 2013 to bring cloud-native and DevOps best practices to all enterprises. In a few exhilarating years, containers and microservices have now been largely accepted as the way to build, deploy. and operate cloud-native applications.
As software becomes increasingly mission-critical, the CNCF is doing critical work to help promote and grow best practices for the next generation of systems that will be purpose built to run across public and private clouds.
At Nirmata, we are constantly looking for ways to deliver the best solutions and provide the most value to our customers. In July 2017, we announced Nirmata’s support for Kubernetes, the popular container with the focus of simplifying Kubernetes for enterprise adoption. Since then we have worked with several customers to better understand their pain points, and further tune the solution. We are very excited by the growing momentum. Stay tuned for more upcoming news in this area.
We are grateful to the entire Nirmata family: our employees, customers, advisors, and investors for making this important milestone a reality! We believe in the mission of the CNCF, and are looking forward to working closely with the community to deliver cloud-native solutions that enable new efficiencies for all enterprises!
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