With everything-as-code, identifying misconfigurations during the development phase dramatically reduces the time and effort required in later deployment stages. Addressing issues at their origin minimizes surprises during production.
Nirmata CLI (nctl) is a powerful tool for IaC scanning for CI/CD pipeline misconfigurations. It is easy to use and offers scanning across Dockerfiles, Kubernetes manifests, Terraform plans, Infrastructure-aa-Code configurations, cloud resources, or any JSON payload for better IaC security for DevOps success.
nctl integrates with your preferred infrastructure-as-code pipeline, whether it’s GitHub Actions, GitLab pipeline, Harness CI, Jenkins, or AWS CodePipeline. This enables developers and platform engineers to receive early feedback and remediation suggestions, facilitating easy resolution of issues and ensuring code compliance with security guidelines.
Nirmata provides a unified dashboard that consolidates all cluster and pipeline/Infrastructure-as-Code related insights. Platform and security administrators can confidently oversee compliance across their code repositories, clusters, and cloud resources. Nirmata offers intelligent insights and recommendations to strengthen the organization’s overall IaC security posture, safeguarding against compliance breaches and potential cybersecurity threats while ensuring peace of mind for administrators.