Verifying images and attestations using AWS Signer, Notation and Kyverno.

Verifying images and attestations using AWS Signer, Notation and Kyverno.

We are excited to announce the launch of kyverno-notation-aws, a Nirmata extension service for Kyverno that executes the AWS Signer plugin for Notation to verify image signatures and attestations.

kyverno notation aws-architecture


AWS Signer, announced by Amazon AWS a few months ago is a new capability that gives us native AWS support for signing and verifying container images stored in container registries like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). It supports features like cross-account signing, signature validity duration, and profile lifecycle management with cancellation and revocation operations.

AWS Signer supports signing and verifying container images and is integrated with Notation, an open-source Notary project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). With contributions from AWS, Microsoft, Docker, and several others, Notary is an open standard and client implementation that allows for vendor-specific plugins for key management and other integrations. AWS Signer manages signing keys, key rotation, and PKI management for you and is integrated with Notation through a binary  plugin that provides a simple client-based workflow.

The Nirmata extension service is invoked from a Kyverno policy which then calls the notation service configured with AWS Signer to provide image signature and attestation verification as well as digest mutation.

Key Features

Image Signature Verification

The Nirmata extension service provides image signature verification capabilities. Verifying images establishes authenticity and provenance, giving you the ability to determine if content comes from a particular party. This allows you to only allow images from trusted parties to be used in your container image builds and deployments

The Nirmata extension service is invoked from a Kyverno policy which passes it a list of images to be verified. The service then verifies notation format signatures for container images using the AWS Signer notation plugin and returns responses back to Kyverno.

The service manages Notation trust policies and trust stores as Kubernetes resources.

Image Digest Mutation

Image tags are mutable in nature and can be spoofed. However, we can use image digests that are immutable to ensure better security, and image integrity and prevent tampering. The service allows users to replace image tags with digests.

The Kyverno policy passes the images variable to the services’ /checkimages endpoint. The result returns a list of images with their JSON path and digests so Kyverno can mutate each image in the admission payload.

Here is an example:

Response object structure

  "verified": true,
  "message": "...",
  "results": [
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/spec/containers/0/image",
      "value": ""
  • verified: true means that all the images provided to the extensions were verified. We can use this variable when we only want to validate image verification.
  • message: “” returns the error message when verification fails.
  • results is an array of objects containing the name of the container image, the path of the container image, and the mutated image.

    Kyverno policy fragment

       - list: "response.results"
         patchesJson6902: |-
           - path: '{{ element.path }}'
             op: '{{ element.op }}'
             value: '{{ element.value }}'

    This policy fragment describes a mutation where we are looping through the array of results we have received from the extension and do a replace operation, where we replace the current image with the same image containing digests.

    Attestation Verification

    In addition to verifying signatures, the extension service can verify signed metadata i.e. attestations.

    To verify attestations, the Kyverno policy can optionally pass a variable called attestations in the request:

    - key: attestations
        - imageReference: "*"
            - name: sbom/cyclone-dx
                - key: \{{creationInfo.licenseListVersion}}
                  operator: Equals
                  value: "3.17"message: invalid license version
            - name: application/sarif+json
                - key: \{{ element.components[].licenses[].expression }}
                  operator: AllNotIn
                  value: ["GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0"]
        - imageReference: "*"type:
            - name: application/vnd.cyclonedx
                - key: \{{ element.components[].licenses[].expression }}
                  operator: AllNotIn
                  value: ["GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0"]

    The attestations variable is a JSON array of where each entry has:

    1. An imageReference to match images;
    2. A type that specifies the name of the attestation; and
    3. A list of conditions we want to verify the attestation data

    In the example above we are verifying the following:

    1. The attestations sbom/cyclone-dx and application/sarif+json exist for all images.
    2. The creationInfo.licenseListVersion is equal to 3.17 in the SBOM and GPL licenses are not present.
    3. The attestation application/vnd.cyclonedx is available for all versions of the image and does not contain GPL licenses.

    NOTE: The conditions key in the attestations must be escaped with \ so Kyverno does not substitute them before executing the extension service.


    To prevent repeated lookups for verified images, the Nirmata extension has a built-in cache.

    Caching is enabled by default and can be managed using the –cacheEnabled flag. The cache is a TTL-based cache, i.e., entries expire automatically after some time and the value of TTL can be customized using –cacheTTLDurationSeconds (default is 3600) and the max number of entries in the cache can be configured using –cacheMaxSize (default is 1000).

    The cache stores the verification outcomes of images for the trust policy and verification outcomes of attestations with the trust policy and conditions. The cache is an in-memory cache that gets cleared when the pod is recreated. The cache will also be cleared when there is any change in trust policies and trust stores.


    In a shared cluster, each team may have different signatures and trust policies. To support such use cases, the extension allows configuring multiple trust policies and trust stores as Kubernetes custom resources.

    The extension service allows specifying what trust policy they want to use for verification thus enabling multi-tenancy. Multiple teams can share one cluster and have different trust policies separate from each other. To specify the trust policy, we can pass the trustPolicy variable in the request:

     - key: trustPolicy
       value: "tp-{{request.namespace}}"

    or we can set the DEFAULT_TRUST_POLICY environmental variable. In the above example, we are dynamically using the trust policy for the namespace of the request.

    High Availability

    Kyverno-notation-aws can be installed in a highly-available manner where additional replicas can be deployed for the plugin. The plugin does not use leader election for inbound API requests which means verification requests can be distributed and processed by all available replicas. Leader election is required for certificate management so therefore only one replica will handle these tasks at a given time.

    Multiple replicas configured for the plugin can be used for both availability and scale. Vertical scaling of the individual replicas’ resources may also be performed to increase combined throughput.


    To install kyverno-notation-aws plugin, follow the instructions in kyverno-notation-aws repository’s readme.

    After installation, kyverno-notation-aws namespace should look as follows:

    $ kubectl get all,secret,sa,lease,rolebindings -n kyverno-notation-aws
    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/kyverno-notation-aws-5b49875b94-ftntr   1/1     Running   0          16m
    NAME          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
    service/svc   ClusterIP           443/TCP   33d
    NAME                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/kyverno-notation-aws   1/1     1            1           33d
    NAME                                              DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/kyverno-notation-aws-5b49875b94   1         1         1       16m
    NAME                                           TYPE                DATA   AGE
    secret/root-secret                      3      33d
    secret/svc.kyverno-notation-aws.svc.tls-ca   2      8d
    secret/svc.kyverno-notation-aws.svc.tls-pair   2      8d
    NAME                                  SECRETS   AGE
    serviceaccount/default                0         33d
    serviceaccount/kyverno-notation-aws   0         33d
    NAME                                             HOLDER                                  AGE   kyverno-notation-aws-5b49875b94-ftntr   8d
    NAME                                                                     ROLE                             AGE   Role/kyverno-notation-aws-role   33d

    Next, we have to create a test namespace to test our plugin:

    $ kubectl create ns test-notation
    namespace/test-notation created

    Now, we have to apply a Kyverno policy so Kyverno can interact with the plugin to verify an image:

    kind: ClusterPolicy
      name: check-images
      validationFailureAction: Enforce
      failurePolicy: Fail
      webhookTimeoutSeconds: 30
      schemaValidation: false
      - name: call-aws-signer-extension
          - resources:
              - test-notation
              - Pod
                - CREATE
                - UPDATE
        - name: tlscerts
            urlPath: "/api/v1/namespaces/kyverno-notation-aws/secrets/svc.kyverno-notation-aws.svc.tls-pair"
            jmesPath: "base64_decode( data.\"tls.crt\" )"
        - name: response
            method: POST
            - key: images
              value: "{{images}}"
            - key: trustPolicy
              value: "tp-{{request.namespace}}"
            - key: attestations
              - imageReference: "*"
                - name: sbom/example
                    - key: \{{creationInfo.licenseListVersion}}
                      operator: Equals
                      value: "3.17"
                      message: invalid license version
              url: <https://svc.kyverno-notation-aws/checkimages>
              caBundle: '{{ tlscerts }}'
          - list: "response.results"
            patchesJson6902: |-
                - path: '{{ element.path }}'
                  op: '{{ element.op }}'
                  value: '{{ element.value }}'

    This policy does the following:

    • Checks for Pod creation and update requests in test-notation namespace
    • Sends an API call to https://svc.kyverno-notation-aws/checkimages with TLS certs extracted from the secret using an API call. The API call request is a POS request that contains the following
      • Kyverno’s images variable which sends the image info of all the images used in the given resource.
      • Trust policy name, to specify what trust policy to use for this request. Optional if DEFAULT_TRUST_POLICY environmental variable is set in the plugin.
      • An attestations list as described in attestation verification section.

    Here, we have an unsigned image in AWS ECR

    $ notation inspect
    Warning: Always inspect the artifact using digest(@sha256:...) rather than a tag(:v1-unsigned) because resolved digest may not point to the same signed artifact, as tags are mutable. has no associated signature

    When we run an unsigned image, it gives an error saying the image was not signed:

    $ kubectl -n test-notation run test1 --dry-run=server
    Error from server: admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: mutation policy check-images error: failed to apply policy check-images rules [call-aws-signer-extension: failed to load context: failed to fetch data for APICall: HTTP 406 Not Acceptable: failed to verify container kyverno-demo: failed to verify image {{ kyverno-demo kyverno-demo v1-unsigned } /spec/containers/0/image}: no signature is associated with "", make sure the artifact was signed successfully]

    When using an image that has an SBOM attached to it and is signed using notary

    $ oras discover -o tree
    ├── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    │   └── sha256:04eed4edc7a549399648e9fdd6d34fb46ff79cd9f8b155827d6c569c7c3c732f
    └── sbom/example
        └── sha256:352c1a77a9c635b9b2e9bc6b26ccedd9321088e103668ab935a0b6aa3a622aa4
            └── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
                └── sha256:032720a8b067f7cb25b5eb5cecd2b663fa05bc352c8206003a334856ce7b8a4b

    The output from notation inspect shows that the image was signed using AWS signer and has signing profile information attached:

    $ notation inspect
    Warning: Always inspect the artifact using digest(@sha256:...) rather than a tag(:v1) because resolved digest may not point to the same signed artifact, as tags are mutable.
    Inspecting all signatures for signed artifact
    └── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
        └── sha256:04eed4edc7a549399648e9fdd6d34fb46ff79cd9f8b155827d6c569c7c3c732f
            │   ├── com.amazonaws.signer.signingJob: arn:aws:signer:us-west-2:844333597536:/signing-jobs/006bb1ca-1380-4b9d-8dba-19a605df8fbb
            │   ├── com.amazonaws.signer.signingProfileVersion: arn:aws:signer:us-west-2:844333597536:/signing-profiles/kyvernodemo/Kq390zhFlj
            │   └── io.cncf.notary.verificationPlugin: com.amazonaws.signer.notation.plugin
            ├── certificates
            │   ├── SHA256 fingerprint: bb0727fbd9a9688f5257ab229fc370b382a034d47552fec272bdd7f912fc1751
            │   │   ├── issued to: CN=AWS Signer,OU=AWS Cryptography,O=AWS,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US
            │   │   ├── issued by: CN=AWS Signer us-west-2 Code Signing CA G1,OU=Cryptography,O=AWS,ST=WA,C=US
            │   │   └── expiry: Mon Aug  7 04:31:29 2023
            └── signed artifact
                ├── media type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json
                ├── digest: sha256:4a1c4b21597c1b4415bdbecb28a3296c6b5e23ca4f9feeb599860a1dac6a0108
                └── size: 526
    kind: TrustPolicy
        - signingAuthority:aws-signer-ts
        - "arn:aws:signer:us-west-2:844333597536:/signing-profiles/kyvernodemo"

    The attached SBOM sbom/example has the license version set to 3.17:

     "name": "",
     "spdxVersion": "SPDX-2.2",
     "creationInfo": {
      "created": "2023-08-01T08:33:48.450737Z",
      "creators": [
       "Organization: Anchore, Inc",
       "Tool: syft-v0.46.3"
      "licenseListVersion": "3.17"
     "dataLicense": "CC0-1.0",
     "documentNamespace": "<>",
     "packages": []

    When we run this image, verification succeeds:

    $ kubectl -n test-notation run test1 --dry-run=server
    pod/test1 created (server dry run)

    If we update the ClusterPolicy to check for “licenseListVersion”: “3.18”:

      - name: sbom/example
          - key: \{{creationInfo.licenseListVersion}}
            operator: Equals
            value: "3.18"
            message: invalid license version

    Image verification fails with an invalid license version error:

    $ kubectl -n test-notation run test1 --dry-run=server
    Error from server: admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: mutation policy check-images error: failed to apply policy check-images rules [call-aws-signer-extension: failed to load context: failed to fetch data for APICall: HTTP 406 Not Acceptable: failed to verify attestatations: failed to verify attestations: failed to verify conditions sha256:352c1a77a9c635b9b2e9bc6b26ccedd9321088e103668ab935a0b6aa3a622aa4: failed to evaluate conditions: invalid license version


    In this post, we showed you the details of kyverno-notation-aws, a Nirmata extension service that executes the AWS Signer plugin for Notation to verify image signatures and attestations. The Nirmata extension service is invoked from a Kyverno policy which then integrates  with AWS Signer to provide image signature and attestation verification and digest mutation. 

    While the extension is ready for production use, we will continue to enhance and expand integrations for this extension, and we welcome your feedback. Please visit kyverno-notation-aws repository on GitHub to check on progress, and please open an issue to tell us about changes you’d like us to work on next.

    If you are at AWS re:Invent 2023, lets connect there!

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