Preventing Cost Overruns in Your Cloud-Native Environments

Learn how to implement proactive cost controls on AWS using Kyverno and Kubecost.

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Learn how Kubernetes policy-as-code driven by Kyverno, paired with Kubecost and running on AWS, not only provides more cost visibility but can actually help prevent cost overruns before they occur.

How? Kyverno is a policy engine for Kubernetes that empowers you to write your own security and compliance policies using standard YAML so you can prevent misconfigurations anywhere using policy as code. Kubecost is the leading cost visibility and optimization tool for Kubernetes, allowing you to monitor and reduce your Kubernetes spend through its powerful introspection abilities.


View this on-demand technical webinar and gain insights on:

  • Implementing real-time Kubernetes cost management
  • Proactively preventing cost overruns before they occur
  • Gaining visibility into the operations of your Kubernetes clusters


By running these two best-in-class tools — Kubecost for cost visibility and monitoring, and Kyverno for policy as code and automation — on AWS, you can drive real-world savings by placing financial, security, and compliance guardrails around your Kubernetes environments. Sign up for this informative webinar now!

On-demand webinar. Register now!

What can Nirmata do for you?

With today’s increasing cloud security threats, simply detecting intrusions is no longer enough – the damage may already be done. That’s why Nirmata doesn’t just detect threats, it prevents them by eliminating security and compliance misconfigurations across Kubernetes clusters, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud services.

policy driven security

Policy-Driven Security

Enforce Kubernetes best practices using policy-as-code to ensure cloud-native applications and infrastructure are free from misconfigurations.

Continuous Compliance

Deploy security policies into DevOps pipelines to ensure that applications and infrastructure maintain compliance throughout their life cycles.

enhanced insights

Enhanced Insights

Integrate DevOps tools such as Git, Slack, and Jira to promote continuous compliance, early issue spotting, and cleaner production environments.

Want to fast-track security and compliance in your Kubernetes environment?

Want to fast-track security and compliance in your Kubernetes environment?